June 20, 2024
Celebrating with 64 new brothers and sisters in Jesus that have been baptized since January in our 6 newest churches!
We are so grateful for the work God is doing in each of these new churches and cities! This is our prayer for all those baptized recently in the PNW…
“So then, just as you have received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to walk in him, being rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, and overflowing with gratitude.” ~ Colossians 2:6-7
Would you help us with our new initiatives this summer by making a “double-play” between the months of July and August?
We are inviting all of you who partner with Evergreen Network to consider making an extra matching contribution to your monthly gift in either July or August OR consider finding a friend or church willing to match what you give in one of those months… creating a double-play!
We are doubling our efforts in Seattle this next year with TWO new churches launching in the metro area! Our hope is that we will be able to bring in an additional $25,000 this summer to help us launch some new planter care/training initiatives. All of your double play resources will be directly used to serve our planters in process! If you regularly give, simply double-up in either July or August in the regular way you give.
Single contributions are also appreciated if you do not regularly contribute! You can visit the giving page on our website and select “Summer Double Play” in the drop down menu or send a check to the address in the footer. Don’t forget to make checks out to our new name!
Help us Plant Churches in the PNW.
Whether you are a planter or a partner, our vision is to establish 50 healthy, multiplying churches throughout the Pacific Northwest within the next 10 years, including at least 10 churches led by leaders that are developed and sent out from Evergreen Network churches.